Module #2

5 Intellectual Assets 

There are many ways to protect your intellectual assets and can be completed by using patents, industrial design, trademarks, copyright and trade secrets. Patent is a right that was granted from the government that authorize you to protect your invention to prohibit other people from wrongfully using, constructing, and merchandising your own creation. Industrial design is a way to distinguish the visual feature of a finished product by shape, configuration, and pattern. For example, Apple’s iPhone’s can be distinguished different from other companies product by creating the exterior and interior differently. Trademarks are basically words, sounds or designs to differentiate the product or service from other companies. Copyright is when you produce an original music, drawing, video and etc. It can grant you the right to produce, use or sell your product. It can also grant you the authorization to give permission to people to use your product. Trade secrets are important business information about the company or product.


Volleyball : CC0,

Computer : By AJ from –, CC0,

Anime : By es:Shūeisha –, Public Domain,                                                                                    

4 Different Type of Licenses

download  Attribution

  • Anyone can modify the originals creation and gain profit if the permission is granted and must give credits to the creator

download-1 ShareALike

  • Anyone can modify the originals creation and gain profit as long as you give credits to the creator and the creation is under the same terms

download-1 NoDerivatives

  • Anyone can use the originals creation for distributing, displaying without any changes while crediting the creator

ka  NonCommercial

  • Anyone can modify, rework and copy without any type of commercial until the creator says so

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